Threat Modelling Report (***In Progress***)

Diagram: Secure Messaging Apps

Secure Messaging Apps diagram screenshot

Validation Messages:

  1. Error [ignored]:
    ‘Logs’ requires at least one ‘Any’
  2. Error [ignored]:
    ‘Logs’ requires at least one ‘Any’
  3. Error [ignored]:
    ‘Source Code Database’ requires at least one ‘Any’

Secure Messaging Apps Diagram Summary:

Not Started 3
Not Applicable 0
Needs Investigation 0
Mitigation Implemented 0
Total 3
Total Migrated 0

Interaction: App Download

App Download interaction screenshot

1. An adversary could trick users into downloading the app from a malicious app store
[State: Not Started]
[Priority: High]

Category: Spoofing
Justification: <no mitigation provided>

Interaction: Deploy to App Store

Deploy to App Store interaction screenshot

2. The vendor’s build service could be compromised, leading to malicious changes to the app
[State: Not Started]
[Priority: High]

Category: Tampering
Justification: <no mitigation provided>

Interaction: Request Download

Request Download interaction screenshot

3. Google and/or Apple could maliciously modify the app
[State: Not Started]
[Priority: High]

Category: Tampering
Justification: <no mitigation provided>